Elementor vs Boldgrid
There has been a tremendous rise in the number of WordPress themes available in the last few years.
The uniqueness and flexibility of WordPress have made it such an attractive platform for designers, who enjoy making any changes they want without having to worry about whether or not their clients will like them.
The rise of WordPress themes has also allowed for a new type of developer: creating and managing a website with no design experience whatsoever, but with all the flexibility that comes from being familiar with WordPress.
These developers have been able to do this by building their front-end theme known as a "child theme", which allows them, rather than the client, to make changes and tweak settings on their website's layout.
But how exactly does this work? To find out, we took a look at two leading Page Builders: Elementor vs BoldGrid.
Let's take a closer look!
What is a child theme?
A child theme is a theme that uses all or parts of another theme.
It allows designers to make changes and tweaks to the original design without worrying about their client's approval or the need to purchase the complete theme.
For example, if you are building a website for your client and need you to change their layout a bit, you can use a child theme.
By installing it on your website and then making whatever changes you want, your client still has access to the layout on their site.
Additionally, your client would not have to purchase the full Themeforest version of the original WordPress theme because they already have one installed.
The two leading Page Builders: Elementor vs BoldGrid
Elementor is a powerful page builder that allows users to customize their website with HTML, CSS and Javascript.
It's packed with a ton of features for WordPress users, including design options like background animations, custom fonts, rounded boxes, slideshows and more.
BoldGrid is a simple way to create a beautiful website without coding knowledge.
All you need is just one click to get started!
With BoldGrid, you can create your site in minutes without the hassle of complicated code.
The two leading Page Builders: Elementor vs BoldGridThese developers have been able to do this by building their front-end theme known as a "child theme", which allows them, rather than the client, to make changes and tweak settings on their website's layout.
But how exactly does this work?
Let's take a closer look!
A comparison of the two Page Builders
For those looking for a new way to build their website, one option is to use a Page Builder.
These tools allow you to create pages and sections without having any design knowledge or skills.
Instead, you are given the power to customize how each page looks with various options found on a drag-and-drop interface.
One of these Page Builders is Elementor.
The other is BoldGrid.
Elementor has been around for over three years and comes bundled with premium WordPress themes like BoilerPress and Elementor Pro, which includes extra features that make building websites even more accessible.
BoldGrid, on the other hand, has only been around for about one year, so it doesn't have as many resources behind it as Elementor does.
But what it lacks in resources, it makes up for in user reviews which give us an idea of how well this builder works.
So which builder should you choose?
Well, that's up to you!
If you're starting with your first website, then Elementor would be an excellent choice because of its wide range of features that come included with the bundle, while BoldGrid is good if you're looking for something more budget-friendly and easy to use.
To get an idea of what each builder can do, check out their demos here:
Who should use which?
When looking for a front-end builder, it's essential to consider what type of person will be using the website.
If you are familiar with HTML and CSS, Elementor is an excellent tool.
The drag and drop interface is easy to understand, making it ideal for designers with only basic coding knowledge.
BoldGrid, on the other hand, is designed more with developers in mind.
It's more complex than Elementor (which can also be seen as its advantage), but if you're familiar with a lot of WordPress coding or would prefer complete control over your child theme, then BoldGrid would make for an excellent choice.
The advantages of Elementor vs BoldGrid.
Elementor is a front-end building tool for WordPress.
It allows you to create your website layout from scratch and customize it how you want.
It also includes a drag and drops page builder to customize your website layout.
With Elementor, users can build websites more quickly than traditional design software like Photoshop and less code.
BoldGrid is a WordPress theme built specifically for site builders who don't have much experience with coding.
With BoldGrid's easy-to-use interface, designers can quickly build their website without having to do any coding or heavy lifting.
They can also easily add custom options using the Theme Customizer.
BoldGrid is an excellent alternative for WordPress users who want to make their site look more stylish, modern and professional with a more intuitive user interface.
Elementor is a great, more powerful alternative for WordPress users looking for a robust, complex site builder with tons of features.